Monday, April 25, 2016

COA Development: Overly Complex

COG #1: Overly Complex--The OES is overly complex and time consuming.

How do we fix this?

Teams that bring completed COAs across the line (validated by ST) will receive 1 point 

Submit your ideas here. Ideas can be anything however fully flushed out ideas will contain:

COA Title:
- What is the banner that your team will rally behind

- What is your COA trying to accomplish? Use action verbs.

Desired Effects:
 - State how this COA will positively impact the Officer Evaluation System.

- Red: What we need to do right now: 1/3 of the COA has been accomplished
- Yellow: The next major step: 1/3 and 2/3 of COA have been accomplished
- Green: How do we sustain measure success: >2/3 of COA accomplished

Please label your posts to avoid confusion 
i.e. The Title of the COA is ... The Objective of this COA is ... 

Each team MUST identify at least 3 implications for executing their COA.
Gold Gear is the COA, the Gears coming off are Implications
  • Achieve 5 validated effects from each implication all those who contributed will receive an extra point.
Username: bet
Password: auciiteam


  1. I will attempt to get the COA going for this one. My COA recommendation is to create a survey-like feedback, OPR, and PRF that are very similar. It uses a list of questions, traits, qualities to outline the type of officer we want to evaluate. It provides a numeric score output.

    1. Title: The Feedback Assessment Survey?
      -- Can you provide an example of the "questions, traits, qualities, that we would want to evaluate"?
      -- The score is based on what? Are their right or wrong answers?

    2. I like the title! I do not think there are any right or wrong answers, but you could use something like a Likert scale (Most Like to Most Unlike). This makes it clear to the person giving the feedback what traits they are evaluating. I think you can grade criteria in different categories. Some categories that come to mind are officership, duties pertaining to AFSC, and additional duties. Within each of those categories would be traits or qualities. For example under officership, there would be qualities like leadership, dress and appearance, timeliness etc.

    3. Milestone 1:
      Take a survey of senior leaders and CGOs about what they believe to be the most important categories of leadership. Once the survey is complete consolidate information and determine the most important traits. We could get a pretty good list that would have the buy-in of the force. Any thoughts??

    4. Nice work here Thomas/James, it would be interesting to see what the SOC population perceives should be the most important categories.

    5. My two cents: The categories should start broad and then go specific...
      Broad--General officership, i.e. living the Core Values, professionalism, leadership, etc.
      Specific--AFSC considerations such as primary job performance, management of additional duties, etc.

  2. Plain language

    In every OPR or EPR that we complete, we spend so much time trying to wordsmith each bullet sentence to make sure we eliminate white space. Often you see lines that are so riddled with acronyms that it take away from the message that the rater is trying to portray.

    My COA would be to eliminate the box constraints that we have on the current reports. Just let the rater write plain sentences. I am fine with using the bullets, but if he/she needs a little more room that should not be a problem. Just provide lines and let the rater lay out how they think that officer performs...if each sentence spills over to the next line then so be it.

    - Todd Bryan - A15

    1. My interpretation of this...

      COA Title: Utilize the Narrative


      - Simplify the language in the OPR and make it easier to read and understand.

      Desired Effects:

      - Provide a clear picture of accomplishments, giving an accurate message of what the individual has actually achieved in the last year. Minimize uncommon acronyms/terms, and use numbers and percentages appropriately and accurately.


      - Red: What we need to do right now: Update AFI to allow for narrative statements on the OPR (AF form 707) and a change in OPR format.
      - Yellow: The next major step: Change AF form 707 to be in line with AFI update(s), train personnel on the use of narrative statements instead of just bullet writing.
      - Green: How do we sustain measure success: Set intervals (e.g. every six months) to seek feedback from raters and rates about how they feel the process is working, adjusting when needed.

  3. Plain language

    In every OPR or EPR that we complete, we spend so much time trying to wordsmith each bullet sentence to make sure we eliminate white space. Often you see lines that are so riddled with acronyms that it take away from the message that the rater is trying to portray.

    My COA would be to eliminate the box constraints that we have on the current reports. Just let the rater write plain sentences. I am fine with using the bullets, but if he/she needs a little more room that should not be a problem. Just provide lines and let the rater lay out how they think that officer performs...if each sentence spills over to the next line then so be it.

    - Todd Bryan - A15

  4. COA Title: Career Field Specific OPRs
    Objectives: Minimize the complexity caused by forcing raters to write OPRs that are generic enough for a promotion board to compare officers across career fields.
    Desired Effects: Allow raters to highlight career specific accomplishments to a level of detail that doesn't have to be understood by every senior officer. For example, in the 6X world, we often have to generalize accomplishments which often causes them to appear watered down and they lack the true impact and result that the officer had.
    - Red: Poll Senior Leaders to understand what career field specific accomplishments need to be focused on and addressed.
    - Yellow: Start educating SRs on the upcoming changes and start creating a culture that supports the new changes
    - Green: Implement the changes

    I understand that this could be perceived as adding complexity to the system, but I believe that once it is implemented, it will have a greater simplifying effect. Interested in hearing what others think.
